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Strategic Communication, BA (CUS)

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Bachelor of Arts


College of Undergraduate Studies


School of Humanities and Social Sciences

The Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communication prepares students with the professional skills they need for careers in public relations, strategic communication, marketing, and digital media. The Strategic Communication major is unique, offering a broad educational framework for professional and career roles in churches, nonprofits, and for-profit organizations wishing to communicate effectively in the new digital environment. A degree in Strategic Communication enables graduates to be digitally-savvy and able to think creatively and critically, with solid writing, visual, and technical skills, and the capacity to think strategically and biblically about the role of communication in society.

Graduates of the Strategic Communication major will be able to:

1. Identify the major theories within the field of strategic communication, and articulate the relationship between strategic communication and related fields.

2. Critically analyze strategic communication principles and practices, and conduct segmented audience analysis.

3. Produce and present innovative and responsive strategic communication campaigns.

4. Describe the history and structure of the field of strategic communication, its main actors, and future industry trends.

5. Demonstrate technical proficiency in the industry required software (Adobe Suite), audiovisual production, social media management, and graphic design.

6. Generate and present a robust portfolio of work samples, such as writing pieces, social media campaigns, strategic communication campaigns, and audiovisual materials.

7. Demonstrate the integration of faith with communication knowledge and skills.

The Strategic Communication major has two specific emphases, Public Relations and Digital Media, as well as a general emphasis, each of which positions graduates to be on the leading edge of the changes occurring in the communication industry.

The Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communication requires completion of the following 120 credits:
General Education Core (48 credit hours)
Strategic Communication Core (39 credit hours)
Electives (33 credit hours)


Program Type

Bachelor's Degree